Saturday, May 26, 2007

Cleaning day!!!

Well... it's Memorial Day weekend. We usually spend the weekend up at the cottage, but we just have so much going on right now and the weather was just not good cottage weather, so we stayed home. I must be nesting because I decided to start working in the nursery today. Boy did I have my work cut out for me!!! Here's a few pictures of the room at the beginning of the day... it kind of looks like the never-ending job...

After cleaning and organizing ALL day...
TA DA!!! It actually looks like a room... a baby could actually sleep in the crib right now. It's just amazing to me. The picture in the middle is the closet, after I cleaned it out... and the last picture is with the closet full of "baby things". I can't believe I already have baby clothes hanging in the closet... I never thought that was going to happen today. It sure feels good!!!

Now the next job is to find cheap carpet and get the room painted. There is still a lot to do, but it at least looks like a bedroom again!!!

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