Can you believe that I am 2 months old already?!?! Mommy took me to the doctor the other day for a check up. I now weigh 11lb. 13oz. and I am 23 inches long. I am really growing!!! Mommy says I am a great baby. I've been sleeping through the night since I was 5 weeks old. Mommy says that is such a blessing, and that she can be a good mommy because she too is getting a lot of sleep. I LOVE to smile and "talk"... I'm getting really good at cooing and
ahhing. Life sure is fun... I love watching my big sister play and I can't wait until I can play with her. Mommy says she's in no hurry for me to grow up... she likes me being little, so I think I'll stay this way for a little while yet :)

Daddy got a new camera for Christmas and he is just as bad as mommy... he doesn't put that thing down... but who can blame him when I'm just so cute and happy!!!

Although... I am not always happy...
Today was shot day and I am not feeling so well...

Look at my poor little legs...
I had 4 shots, and boy did they hurt!!!
Mommy said I have to get them so I stay healthy.
I really was a trooper and within a day I was MUCH better!!!