WOW!!! Where has the time gone??? It seems like just the other day I took a pregnancy test and saw the most wonderful word ever... PREGNANT!!! I couldn't believe my eyes... it was a dream come true!!!
Soon the morning sickness kicked in and I thought I would NEVER see the light at the end of the tunnel... man... the 1st trimester sure was rough.
Then the 2nd trimester arrived and things seemed to get better. I really started to grow and soon felt baby move for the 1st time. Words cannot explain the joy of feeling that movement and knowing that Jon and I had created a life... wow... God surely is GREAT!!! In the 2nd trimester we got to see our little pumpkin via Ultrasound and that was an absolutely AWESOME day!!! It felt so wonderful to see all of those beautiful parts all just where God had wanted them to be. Our little pumpkin looked PERFECT!!!
The 3rd trimester came quickly. I continued to grow and really enjoyed watching my belly move all over the place. I was no longer getting pokes and kicks here and there... baby was now learning to dance in there. The baby must take after grandma V. and Auntie Kelly since they are the ones who really like to dance in our family :)
Soon exhaustion set back in and I must say that my body is physically ready for baby to get here. Everyday becomes more uncomfortable, but I know that God will let this baby get here exactly when the baby is supposed to come and not a moment sooner. Mentally I think Jon and I are also as prepared as we are going to be. I am still crossing my fingers for just a few more weeks, allowing our little pumpkin to grow and to be perfect in every way.
I am going to my OB on a weekly schedule now. Before my last appointment I had been having some pretty intense contractions, so my OB decided to check me and I was just starting to dilate. She was not concerned, but told me to take it easy. I told her I was back to work and super busy... she told me to REALLY take it easy. I'm far enough along that she's not going to put me on bed rest, but said that if labor started (and being too busy could definitely help labor along) that she would not stop labor. So for the next few weeks I am really trying to take it easy... I really want baby to get all the growing time he or she needs.
Jon is being a trooper through it all... granted there are days that I get frustrated with him, but for the most part he has been really good. I really am blessed to have such a wonderfully, caring husband.
My parents dropped off our baby gift the other day... CARPET!!! That's right carpet... after we had the nursery done they said they wanted to finish the room by buying us carpet. Jon is hoping to work on it this coming week. I can't wait... it's going to really make that room look complete!!! Thanks mom and dad!!!
I know that October is still a few days away, but since I am back to work and SUPER busy I thought I would take my last monthly picture to share with you all. I've also added a little slide show of my growth on the left side of my blog... I hope you are able to see it.
February 2007 ~ 1 month ~~ March 2007 ~ 2 months

April 2007 ~ 3 months ~~~ May 2007 ~ 4 months

June 2007 ~ 5 months ~~~ July 2007 ~ 6 months

August 2007 ~ 7 months ~~ September 2007 ~ 8 months

October 2007 ~ 9 months

Hope you were able to make it through all of that... sorry it was so long... but it felt SO good to reflect on this amazing and miraculous journey!!!