My Big Sister told me that Christmas is coming soon and she seemed pretty excited about that. She said we are going to put up a Christmas tree this week and that I am going to love all the pretty lights. Mommy and grandma picked out some matching outfits for Claudia and I to wear for Christmas pictures and for all of our Christmas parties. Mommy decided to dress us up today and to do pictures with both of us girls. I was once again a big girl for mommy, she kept saying that Claudia and I are SUPER CUTE KIDDOS!!! I have to agree :)
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Pretty in Polka Dots...
I am officially a month old... can you believe it?!?! Mommy can't... she says she wishes that time would just slow down. She doesn't want me to grow up quite yet. I've started to copy my mama... I love hearing her voice and love talking back. I have to try really hard, but I'm pretty good at my "Ahh's" and "Ohh's". I'm also figuring out this whole smile thing, which is good considering how many pictures my mommy takes each day. Today was a special day though since I am now 1 month old. My uncle Travis bought me a special dress for my 1 month pictures... don't I look cute?!?!

Friday, November 16, 2007
4 weeks old already!!!
That's right... I am already 4 weeks old. I am growing like a weed. I LOVE eating, sleeping and watching everything around me. There are so many new things to look at ALL the time. Everyday I am learning something new. Mommy and grandma R. are getting me used to shopping and dressing me up super cute. Mommy has been taking pictures of me ALL the time. I think I've had my picture taken at least 10 times a day since I've been born. I have to say I am pretty darn cute though... here are some of the pictures mommy has taken of me... enjoy :)

Me & my big sis...
Mommy thought it would be fun to dress me up in the same jammies that my big sister Claudia wore when she was a little baby. We are DEFINITELY sisters!!!
~ Constance Joy ~
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Gift from God!!!

Mommy decided to make my birth announcements... didn't she do a nice job??? It was a little work trying to get my legs to stay tucked up and for me to keep my eyes open without crying, but my mommy is one dedicated mommy. Let me tell you... she does NOT give up!!! I can't believe I am already 2 weeks old already. The time sure does fly by!!!
Today mommy took me to my 2 week check up. I was a BIG girl. I weighed 8 lbs. 11 oz. and was 22 inches long, so I am definitely growing. Dr. Smith was VERY happy with my growth and after checking me ALL over he told mommy that I am perfect!!! He was very impressed that I am sleeping a good 4 hours at a time a night and that I am sleeping in my own crib, in my own bedroom. Mommy does a good job of feeding me through the day so that we both can get some more sleep at night. Sometimes I have a hard time staying awake during feedings, but mommy always seems to get me to drink enough.
My big sister Claudia calls me a "pooping machine"... she is so funny!!! She is always right by mom wanting to help out however she can. I think someday her and I will be BEST FRIENDS!!!
I am starting to really enjoy being awake. Mommy and daddy are enjoying this too... they laugh at me a lot and tell me that I make the silliest faces sometimes!!! It's also fun hearing every one's comments about who I look like... I think my big sister's answer is perfect though... she says I look like Constance... she's totally right!!!
Monday, November 5, 2007
Baby faces...
Fun with my sister...
My big sister Claudia set up a picnic for mama, me and some of Claudia's "stuffed" friends. I wasn't too sure about the whole thing. I'm sure as I get bigger I'll have more fun at the picnics.
Later in the day we headed to rollerskating. I had a pretty good time sleeping. I think the music really helped me sleep. Someday I am going to get out there and skate just like my big sister.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Happy Halloween!!!
My big sister helped me carve my pumpkin this year. Next year I will get to help... I can't wait. This year I was awake for a little while, but I pretty much slept through the whole thing. Mommy said that was okay because whether I am sleeping or awake I look pretty darn cute!!!

I also got to go Trick or Treating with my big sister. I was a big girl and slept everywhere we went. Everyone thought I was pretty cute though. Next year I'm sure I'll be more excited like my big sis was... she told me the candy is super yummy!!!

I'm a Little Boo!!!
I also got to go Trick or Treating with my big sister. I was a big girl and slept everywhere we went. Everyone thought I was pretty cute though. Next year I'm sure I'll be more excited like my big sis was... she told me the candy is super yummy!!!
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