Mommy decided to make my birth announcements... didn't she do a nice job??? It was a little work trying to get my legs to stay tucked up and for me to keep my eyes open without crying, but my mommy is one dedicated mommy. Let me tell you... she does NOT give up!!! I can't believe I am already 2 weeks old already. The time sure does fly by!!!
Today mommy took me to my 2 week check up. I was a BIG girl. I weighed 8 lbs. 11 oz. and was 22 inches long, so I am definitely growing. Dr. Smith was VERY happy with my growth and after checking me ALL over he told mommy that I am perfect!!! He was very impressed that I am sleeping a good 4 hours at a time a night and that I am sleeping in my own crib, in my own bedroom. Mommy does a good job of feeding me through the day so that we both can get some more sleep at night. Sometimes I have a hard time staying awake during feedings, but mommy always seems to get me to drink enough.
My big sister Claudia calls me a "pooping machine"... she is so funny!!! She is always right by mom wanting to help out however she can. I think someday her and I will be BEST FRIENDS!!!
I am starting to really enjoy being awake. Mommy and daddy are enjoying this too... they laugh at me a lot and tell me that I make the silliest faces sometimes!!! It's also fun hearing every one's comments about who I look like... I think my big sister's answer is perfect though... she says I look like Constance... she's totally right!!!
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