Monday, August 6, 2007

Guess who's 7 months!!!

That's right... it's me. I'm technically 28 weeks pregnant... I can't believe it!!! Over the weekend Claudia and I went up North with with G-ma Van Dyke and Auntie Kelly. We had a blast, but boy was I one tired mama!!! We did a lot of walking, which was a good thing with all the Italian food we ate. It was SO yummy though... and I was on vacation:)

I took my 28 week picture last night, but I was just too tired to post it on Sunday... but here it is... I think I look like I'm carrying pretty low... I don't know how that's possible though with all those kicks I'm getting in my rib cage:) I've also started washing baby clothes. We have a lot of white, yellow and green things, so I've been getting them ready for baby. Not to mention all of the additional blue and pink things I've washed:) I definitely have a ton of pink, but I'm sure if this baby is a boy he'll have a pretty decent wardrobe in no time too:)

I am so ready to kick back and relax today... isn't that funny how you can go on vacation and then you come home needing a vacation to rest from the real vacation:)

Here's my growing belly...

February 2007 ~ 4 weeks ......... & ......... August 2007 ~ 28 weeks

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