Thursday, August 2, 2007


So today was my big 3 hour Glucose test. It was not the most fun getting poked 4 times, but I passed all the tests with flying colors. I am SO happy and relieved, as that means no gestational diabetes for me!!! I definitely learned something with all this though... I do really need to watch what I eat better. It's not that I've been HORRIBLE in my eating habits, but those chocolate chip pancakes that I had been craving for a good month were probably not the best thing for my body or the baby. I am still going to indulge in the occasional sweet treat... I mean with my mom, grandma and mother in-laws baking abilities, who could pass up those yummy goodies... LOL!!! I'm just going to work harder to make my meals work for me:)

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend. Claudia and I are heading up north with grandma Van Dyke and Auntie Kelly for the weekend. We are staying in Ludington, and plan to head up to Manistee for some shopping. It will be nice to get away for a few days. When I get home I'll be 28 weeks pregnant... that's 7 months already!!! Wow has this time just flown by!!! Enjoy the warm weather. I know we need rain desperately, but I'm secretively praying it waits until we get home... then it can rain for days:)
~ Jenn

1 comment:

Sonja said...

We hope all of you have an awesome time on your vacation!! We'll be looking forward to seeing your pictures when you get back!

Sonja and family