Sunday, April 15, 2007

12 week Update and Belly Picture...

Today I hit the 12 week mark and it's amazing how my body has changed. I have still been pretty sick, but the morning sickness is SLOWLY getting better... thank goodness!!! Now I am dealing with exhaustion and more frequent headaches. I only have 4 more weeks of work and I can't wait to be done for the summer. I am really looking forward to getting some things done around the house. It's been so hard to keep up on things because many days it takes all my energy just to work and to be a mom and wife... so the house has been put on the back burner... and many of you know that that is not like me. I am really trying not to let things like that NOT bother me right now and just take it easy... it will all be here waiting for me when I am done working.

Jon thinks this baby is a boy... he said he's just going by how I've been feeling, and that it has been MUCH harder for me this time. We're just going to have to wait and see though as we are not finding out if our little pumpkin is a Prince or a Princess.

Claudia LOVES talking to the baby. We ask her everyday if it's a baby brother or a baby sister... and so far her answers are pretty inconsistent... and that's alright. She is really funny though when she talks to the baby. She has to pull up my shirt and tells the baby everything she did throughout the day, and always ends with a "See you in October Baby... I love you!"... followed by a kiss on my belly. It's really priceless!!! I can't wait until we can feel and see the baby move and to have the baby kick her one of these times... that is going to be so special!!!

Well that's about it around here... I can't believe the next time I take a picture of this belly I will be 16 weeks... until then here is the latest belly pic... taken at 12 weeks...

4 weeks... 12 weeks...

Wow!!! I am REALLY growing... it's hard to believe that I have actually lost almost 10 lbs since we found out we were expecting... you'd never guess it by looking at that belly.

Thanks for sharing in this special journey with us... we can't wait to meet this little pumpkin!!!

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