Monday, April 2, 2007

Busy Weekend!!!

We are home from our Family Vacation. We had a great time... besides the fact that I got the yucky flu on Saturday. It was hard being sick and I felt really bad... but my family is AWESOME and they were VERY supportive. Here is a picture of us at Cabela's... (check out Claudia's blog for more on our vacation)...

On a baby update...

I've officially had my 1st appointment... it went well... my OB is great!!! Everything looked great... she tried to hear the heartbeat, but my uterus is tipped back and I'm early yet so we weren't able to hear it, but that's okay... I saw it on my earlier U/S so I know it's there:) My next appointment is in 4 weeks, and then we'll hear it for sure:) I also lost more weight and am actually at my lowest weight since before I got pregnant with Claudia, so I am happy about that. My OB wasn't concerned either so that was a relief. We also talked about my chances of having another C-Section... it will definitely be different having a set date to have this little pumpkin. All in all it was well... I just wish I felt better... since getting hit with the flu this weekend I just can't get on top of it!! I seriously feel like I've been hit by a semi-truck... thankfully I am on Spring Break right now, so I can rest up and get myself healthy.

1 comment:

The Nyboer's said...

I hope you feel better soon. I can't imagine how hard it is when you have a little one to chase after.