Today was a fun, yet busy day. Claudia and I headed to Grand Rapids to look at "baby" things. We went to Burlington Coat Factory (the Baby Depot) and to BabiesRUs. It was a lot of fun being able to shop with Claudia and have her help pick out things for the new baby. I think she was pretty excited too:) After all our "baby" shopping we went to the mall in Grandville and we went on the Carousel together to celebrate, and then we went and had Spaghetti at the Olive Garden. It was SO yummy... I was craving their Minestrone soup and Claudia is obsessed with Spaghetti and bread, so it was the perfect choice.
Here's some of our great deals we got today... you know me... I'm a BARGAIN shopper... LOL!!!
Baby Van Dyke's outfit for Hospital picture's...
I wonder which outfit will be the big winner???

I thought it would be a good idea to look at some "boy" things first since I have a ton of girl things and not too many "boy" things. I got each 5 pack of onesies for under $8... that is an awesome deal... of course had to get some "boy" binkies too:)

Then I felt kind of bad about buying "new" boy things, so I HAD to buy some "new" girl things too... I made sure that I bought different sizes so this baby is set with onesies:)

We also found a new changing table cushion, since Claudia's old one was all torn up after 2 years of use. I also thought I'd show you Claudia's artwork she did for the nursery. She had a lot of fun painting it, and is REALLY proud of it:) I really love being able to include her in the new baby things. I think that will help make the adjustment easier on her. I can't believe in a few months she will be 3 and we'll have another little miracle living in our home. God certainly is GOOD!!!