Monday, July 23, 2007

6 1/2 months...

So I thought it would be fun to compare my baby belly growth with Claudia and this baby. These pictures are both at the 6 1/2 month point in my pregnancy. I thought it would be extra fun to take a picture wearing the same outfit. The one on the left is with Claudia and the one on the right was taken today. There is definitely a difference, but it's not as much as I thought it was going to be. That definitely made me feel much better because I was seriously feeling HUGE!!! I obviously have grown in other areas too... LOL!!! Oh well... not much I can do about that right now.

I have been quite a bit more tired the last few days, and have also had a relapse of Morning Sickness. It doesn't last long, only 2-3 hours, but I've had it everyday for the last 3 days... I could definitely do without that!!! The baby has also moved and has been REALLY active. Everyday the kicks and punches get much more intense... that part I LOVE!!! The other day Claudia was sitting on my lap and the baby started kicking and just kept right on kicking. Claudia felt them and was pretty excited about it too. It was fun watching her expression when the baby would kick. I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going... I have less than 100 days... that is just crazy to me!!! Monday is my next OB appointment... I can't wait to hear what Dr. Kraker has to say. I also have to take the Gestational Diabetes Test... yup that's right I get to drink that nasty orange drink... oh the joy!!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I pass!! Hope you all are doing well!!!

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