Sunday, October 14, 2007

9 1/2 months... oh my!!!

Well... I have officially made it to the end. I know that the big day is still 5 days away... but I realize that really this baby could come at anytime!!! We are VERY excited to meet him or her. It has been an AMAZING journey... one that I will NEVER forget. Every moment is truly a miracle. This pregnancy has been filled with many ups and downs, but I can honestly say that I have enjoyed being pregnant... even though I am physically ready for it to be done.

Today I took my final belly picture... it was truly bittersweet... it makes me all teary just thinking about it being the last picture of this HUGE belly. I'm sure we'll still take some pictures before the "actual" big day... but this is the last one for the books.

Feb. 2007 ~ the Beginning and Oct. 2007 ~ the End
Frontal view... look at those lovely beauty marks...
and of course Claudia sneaking in for a kiss...

I want to personally thank each and everyone of you who has spent time over the last 9 1/2 months checking up and praying for us during this journey. Please continue to pray for us the next few days as one journey ends and another one begins. Right now I feel totally ready for everything to happen, but I'm sure the anxiety will rise in the next few days. Thank you in advance for all of your prayers... we love you all and can't wait to introduce you all to the newest member of our family.

Make sure to check back soon... the next time I post I may be a new mommy AGAIN... I can't wait!!!

With love,

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